View Full Version : Should I put my boat in the salt????

03-06-2013, 10:03 PM
I'm considering moving to southern Florida where can boat for more than 3 months out of the year.My 87 22C hasn't ever seen salt water. I would hate to move to Florida and not be able to use my Donzi, however......I don't want to destroy it either! I would rather sell it to someone who will use it in freshwater and get something with outboards than destroy this Donzi 22C. It is equipped with a freshwater flush. It also sits on a painted steel trailer.

No one keeps something special like a classic car or boat forever, we just hang on to it until the next lucky guy gets it.

What are everyone's thoughts on putting a boat in saltwater?

03-06-2013, 10:55 PM
http://www.donzi.net/forums/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhQSERUUExQWFRUWGBcXGBcXFxgcGBgYFxcXFxwUFR wXHyYeFxojHBUXHy8gIycpLCwsFR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKBQUF DQUFDSkYEhgpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKS kpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKSkpKf/AABEIAMoA+QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQIDBAYABwj/xABDEAABAwEEBgYHBgYCAQUAAAABAAIRAwQSITEFQVFhcZEGEy KBocEUMkJSsdHwByNicpLhFTNDU4LxotKyFheDk8L/xAAUAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/8QAFBEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9rhJC4rpQckXLpQdKVNK6UD0hCS8klByW 8myuDkDkiaSkJQOlcmFcSgWVybK6UCylamyuvoHFKEy/gllA9Imhy6UDimpJSXkD4SqOUt5A9KSmByW8geUkJsrryBSUsh NS/WtA9xTZSEpsoHXkspkrryByQlIXJsoHkpLyaXppegkLkl5RPP1 5Jw4IHykLkwuTS9BJfSXlFfSF6CW+uvqC+kvoJ764PUF5JfQWL 6bfUHWJOsQWr6W+qoenB6Ce+kvqHrEhdggl6xPmVWvp3WoJ76d fVcVFwqQgsh+KUPVe/rXFyCYuT1WD10D6KCyXJLyYXpHPQSSuvKI1El9BISml6YXJl5A 9zlxcmykKB95LeURck6xBLKaSojUTb+CB7nJJTHOTS/FBJfTbyaXJjnIJOsSX+KgvpDVQWDUSB6rGv8AWCQ2gbUFwPSB6 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J1mT5oM7Zui7WPvXKQAwHZl2G0k/AIyWubmZ3agn1bI/2XAf4D5qm+xOJ7dQHdd+SCE2NjiSaTDOvsSfNQ6R0Gyqy6SWDY CIVg9H6ZO3hIVmlo1jdQMbTKDN2XohSZ/VqcA7yAVlvR1jfVfV/wDsc0cgjPXQYALdcjCf1BRuAg9rtHeHEeCALaei7X4uc93F5gc zKmsuhRTaWsgA57O+c1eFkqAgh1RwyPqjPWAAE8NDf7hOPrD5Y IBdh0Q5kgvBnaIjhHBX3aNJOo7w8ynEUy7EOG4iPJUbdpBrCQ1 v/EuHfEHkUE1SzNkQ+9/8hkboBCY3R5BMNaNl5zyT4qszSIu9qm+d7Q1o4SZ8FMdKvLYp0 y46pI+SDhTIMupMB2i95lSU6IJnsB2o3jI7pQw1bYfYpNx9r9k Ts9ExeecRqY7Dkfmgsig53tkncWx3gqm6laATF0zEdgCOJB8ld on8ezCQTO+B5qppJ3WOEkho1BxBPeCIQWQ+B2sDucTPeIhQNs7 XZOx/zKWnVDRDAY4gnmpqWd668nfjy2IIvRHAwSI/KfHFV7YbMyS8tHAEnkEWfXMRccfrXIKhfZGn1qQG8/6QZer0mYJbSkfidSPwvDzU9JvXM7dV7nbJuM7mt+aMVtEsn1Wg b/JWaNnpgQBj+FvmgAjo64mXQd+fOUQsFgLcGva0fha0Hf6oXaXr vYOwA3ji7xyVDR/ShzTduOefxNA5EINVTsrSBel2OseKnuDZ4lU7HpEVRiyo08x3E fJWeoGx/JBZpYiAwH80qdtleNbRwbHxU1mcZK6o4ycUEdyc8d6YXgfUlAb RXd1pF4xJ1najWj8WGcUHC1MJjtTqwOPkrFweecc1FQOJ71MxB E2R7I2+tqVa1VaYm+5oJ1A+SXSBzQa29mm4t7J2jA5bkFmtXp5 lzwDkIA/8sSqTtIF0hjXgay0sB8VnbFUL3S4lxjMmfijdHAGMOCAnRtsDt U6nIHmc0r9OUm4Ys4tOHL6yWeqWp8+s7MayrlWkCwEgE8EBAW8 OPZrjmfgpaJJOL2Hbjis/RYARAGaO2Rg2ILDrLPstP+RTRY8fVa3eHHwQLS7c1UsLztKDQ1 rHRxmJ3mVzHtbkOTf9J+jmCMgodK1S3IkY6jCB5uuzDvD5qC0a Oc4dl8DuCt0TNME4nBJaj2TxQZG3Wau18C0hu4CP9ororR73j7 11N42xjx1KOmwOtAvAHLPH4rUdS28cByCCizRNNvq0xzKfVs7A JxbwMfAK2GCcglcfLzQDWHEdoxvJ81fp1wY1+Kga0F2X1CIPbA wwQQljZx+BT30htc3uhV6tUyMTz3qaxvJnE5oITY2e6Xnklo2Y CZp8i1E7Seye9Q2bL63oGdUI7PZ3AY80noR21P1BXTq71FdQf//Z

And neither should you....
Just don't leave it in too long on the mooring in that warm water down there - those weeds do grow fast in 80 degrees.
Make sure that you have the right thermostat fitted. If you flush it and stay on top of the maintenance, it should be fine.
And there is lots of help. I was once told that something like 70% of the boats in the US are in that state.

03-06-2013, 11:01 PM
Keep it and have fun. Last I looked, 188th St. was in FL. ;)

I'd think the painted trailer might not like it though. Could be worth selling/swapping for Al or galvanized.

If you're going to keep it on a trailer you can keep it perfect. Flush it and rinse it off. Add FWC if you like. You should peek at some of the boats others here in FL have--they look showroom.

03-07-2013, 06:01 AM
The boat will be fine. Enjoy!

The trailer not so much...

03-07-2013, 06:05 AM
Don didn't mind cause he only kept his Donzi for 2 years :yes:
Ghost pretty much summed it up add additional maint time on the wiring and other metal parts. It's up to you remember the salt environment is not only when it is in the water if your close to the surf it is in the air as well
Seen a 40 yr old donzi lived its whole life on a trailer dunked and flushed but parked on the owners bayfront lot

Been there done that got the receipts
Salt for margaritas and my pretzels not for the Donzi

03-07-2013, 06:54 AM
My brother's 87 was only used in salt. I think the boat might have seen fresh water a couple times over its life.

Use salt away when you flush the boat. Also use it to rinse the boat and trailer down.

Get something like corrosion guard on the engine.

The painted trailer will go in one of two ways... you can use it for a couple years until it falls apart, then buy a new one, or you can sell it up front (before you move might be best) and get a new one built.

If you can't find a buyer salt away on the trailer will help prolong the life but it is not only the dipping of the boat in salt water but also the weather. If you live in coastal areas of FL stuff just rusts sitting outside.

Morgan's Cloud
03-07-2013, 07:25 AM
97% of the world's water is salt.
Those that get to boat exclusively on the remaining 3% are lucky.

03-07-2013, 07:45 AM
yes some times it is a case of ya have to dance with who brung ya :)

Hooper: "Doesn't make much sense for a man who hates the water to live on an island"

Brody: " it's only an island if you look at it from the water"

03-07-2013, 08:13 AM
Add a closed cooling system (this is a plug, 'cause I like and believe in them!), Use a spray corrosion inhibitor on all the wiring ends, connectors, and unfinished metal parts.
Sell the trailer!

The cooling system will cost $800-$1,100.00 and when your original engine dies, move it onto the new engine.
They'll last virtually forever.

03-07-2013, 09:09 AM
It will float in salt water too;)

03-07-2013, 09:45 AM
A buddy of mine has been restoring wooden boats for years, his analogy is in salt you can seen the damage it causes. In salt you get added corrosion, corrosion adds work protecting things. In fresh water you get rot, which you can't see usually until it is to late causing structural damage, salt pickles the wood. In the old days they would throw rock salt in the bilges, to protect the wood from rain water that had seeped in. In both mediums you can have damage, how much depends on the care you give your boat.


03-07-2013, 10:00 AM
----Move to the Lake Dora area and enjoy both Florida and fresh water. Loads of lakes in Florida and most are inland away from the salt air.........Bill S

03-07-2013, 10:21 AM
After a life of boating in fresh water you will be amazed the damage done by salt, weeds, etc. Get the freshwater setup and go. Enjoy.

03-07-2013, 10:45 AM
Personally, I just could not think of putting my Blackhawk LE in to salt water, so, I bought another Donzi I wouldn't mind getting in to salt, and this is how I am now in to the Sport, love the Sport.


03-07-2013, 11:43 AM
----Move to the Lake Dora area and enjoy both Florida and fresh water. Loads of lakes in Florida and most are inland away from the salt air.........Bill S

+1 :biggrin::biggrin:

03-07-2013, 12:12 PM
It will float in salt water too;)

+1 ..

03-07-2013, 02:24 PM
Buy some of this, it'll be your best friend. http://www.lpslabs.com/product_pg/corrosion_pg/LPS3.html

03-07-2013, 03:12 PM
Move to fla and try not to dunk it. I dare ya. You and the boat will be happy. Just treat her good and follow the advice listed above.

Morgan's Cloud
03-07-2013, 04:48 PM
Buy some of this, it'll be your best friend. http://www.lpslabs.com/product_pg/corrosion_pg/LPS3.html

When LPS finally made its way out here in the early 70's I was working for the company/guy who introduced it. After having nothing else much to pick from than WD40 it was a godsend. In the ensuing decades I used the entire line with great success including the cold galvanize , contact cleaners and HD Esa grease , etc.
My only gripe was that it (LPS 1/2 and 3) all remained 'wet' and sticky to a degree. But they did do a great job otherwise.
A few years ago I experimented with CorrosionX (red) and actually came to like it even better then LPS 1/2 and it has tremendous lubricating qualities to boot.
I've now replaced any application I had for LPS3 with CRC heavy duty marine corrosion block. It's da bomb ! It gets into all cracks and crevices while wet and then fires off to a dry waxy film that's clean to touch and WON'T come off unless you use solvents. As a matter of fact ,I just rustproofed mom's new car with it and couldn't be happier . It made the $600 Ziebart rustproofing look like sh*t.
And if that didn't bore you enough , wait 'till I tell you my 'ultimate test' with it that I still can't believe !
Coming from a pure salt water environment where the humidity averages 80% all year 'round I think I've picked up a few tricks over the years. And I'd never endorse just anything old thing .

03-07-2013, 08:24 PM
We are faster in the salt tooooooo! By a couple MPH at least. Its a preventative maintenance thing. I was born and raised here in FL, boated all my life. U need to take ur time washing it down. I flush mine for 15 min or more letting the engine get to temp. I taste the water comin out of the exhaust to check for salt. Maybe crazy but the way my pops taught me. I spray the engine down afterwards with WD40 to prevent corrosion. Usually spend a good hour cleaning it. But thats why my boats have lasted and usually recoup the money we had in it. Aluminum or galvanized trailer a must. This is my first I/O so we shall see if my past maintenance records hold up?

03-07-2013, 08:41 PM
Don't sweat it it. You get to boat all year. Buy a new AL trailer when yours rots out

03-07-2013, 08:55 PM
I live in Tampa and have never plunked my Classic in saltwater. I intend to keep my boat till I'm too old to enjoy it, so it's just not worth it in the long run. There are plenty of freshwater spots to enjoy in Florida...

David Hartmann
03-07-2013, 09:01 PM
The boats are made for salt water. I use mine and also Hornets in Long island sound often. All the warnings about the salt are true. No painted box bean trailers. Wax the topside and hardware. Spray Boeshield on all unpainted non stainless electrical and mechanical components. I wash mine after every trip. I also flush the engine after each trip. Dont forget to rinse the bilge where saltwater may have been.

A little more work but I think the ride in salt water is the best. The waves have different patterns than fresh water and typically are more consistent shape frequency and amplitude. the boats sits a bit higher in the water and it feels lighter and more fluid. at least that is how I feel about salt water.

David Hartmann
03-07-2013, 09:06 PM
The boats are made for salt water. I use mine and also Hornets in Long island sound often. All the warnings about the salt are true. No painted box bean trailers. Wax the topside and hardware. Spray Boeshield on all unpainted non stainless electrical and mechanical components. I wash mine after every trip. I also flush the engine after each trip. Dont forget to rinse the bilge where saltwater may have been.

A little more work but I think the ride in salt water is the best. The waves have different patterns than fresh water and typically are more consistent shape frequency and amplitude. the boats sits a bit higher in the water and it feels lighter and more fluid. at least that is how I feel about salt water.

I have been using the same St Tropez since 1970. It has always been used in salt water. The only problem directly caused be SW are a rusted box beam trailer and one set of risers and manifolds after about 10 years. after that It had received a major upgrade about every ten years. The only real problem area is the riser and manifold everything else can be maintained indefinitely. So new risers every 7 to 10 years is the only cost of enjoyment of the big pond

David Hartmann
03-07-2013, 09:13 PM
The boats are made for salt water. I use mine and also Hornets in Long island sound often. All the warnings about the salt are true. No painted box bean trailers. Wax the topside and hardware. Spray Boeshield on all unpainted non stainless electrical and mechanical components. I wash mine after every trip. I also flush the engine after each trip. Dont forget to rinse the bilge where saltwater may have been.

A little more work but I think the ride in salt water is the best. The waves have different patterns than fresh water and typically are more consistent shape frequency and amplitude. the boats sits a bit higher in the water and it feels lighter and more fluid. at least that is how I feel about salt water.

I have had a painted trailer for a 3 years. I still did not but it in the salt water. I launched the boat well north of the salt in the CT river. That way the trailer stays in fresh water and the engine gets flushed as you drive back to the ramp. I sold the trailer this year as I want to start using the boat a lot more in the ocean and dont want to spend so much time traveling. This will get me to the fish sooner.

03-07-2013, 10:43 PM
In all seriousness I’ve lived on the coast of Maine and now in Maryland (brackish water). Being you have a small trailered boat saltwater is not an issue with what is said above. Some IMHO are going well beyond what will keep your boat in perfect shape. I only live a matter of a couple hundred yards from the ramp so when I get home the motor is still hot and I installed a fresh water inlet in the transom to plug my hose into. Back it into its spot, plug the hose in and let the motor run for a couple minutes while I’m dumping all my crap in the garage. Shut the motor down and rinse everything off, either dry off or let dry and put the cover on. I have a 1984 galvanized trailer. Replaced a couple parts on it over the years but I think that was due more to age. I use aluminum exhaust on most of my boats and aluminum intakes to. My Jon-boat is made of aluminum.
And yes your boat sits higher on saltwater because saltwater is more buoyant then fresh. That’s why people can’t sink unless you are holding a rock in the Dead Sea. (33.7% salinity, it is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water)

03-11-2013, 09:56 PM
There is a lot of fresh water all over Florida.

03-12-2013, 10:28 AM
What the hell is fresh water?

03-12-2013, 02:37 PM
I don't know what you do for a career, but there IS a lot of fresh water in Central Florida!


I've been living on the NW corner of lake Griffin for about 20 years.

joseph m. hahnl
03-12-2013, 05:55 PM
That LPS is like Cosmoline . PW http://www.donzi.net/forums/image.php?u=7643&dateline=1232386080Closed Cooling :yes:

Greg Guimond
03-12-2013, 08:17 PM
No freshwater close to me so my choices are slim unless I take one of my 12 hour water runs up the Hudson.

03-13-2013, 02:23 PM
I have boated with George his area it is both beautiful and interesting, nice inter connecting canals with sights and many animals including an alligator or two.

Team Jefe
03-15-2013, 10:08 AM
Contray to some belief.... the boats, drives and motors are not made from alka-selzter :wink:
that being said, I know many, many, many Donzi Classic owners who run in Salt and their boats are just fine. BUT, It does take more preventative maintenance, and more diligence with cleaning, etc. that means more time & expense Post-boating, which some guys don't want to invest. If you're not diligent, the Saltwater will turn you beautiful classic into alka-selzter:frown: The painted Trailer IS alka-selzter, trust me...I've been there!!

For me, I'd be more concerned with Where in FLA I was planning to relocate to determine if I wanted to keep the 22C or change. Let's assume its coastal, so SW is in play.... If not, the discussion is moot becasue as we're seen there are lots of FW locales inland.

Basically for me Miami-ish would be the point. Moving "west", up the Gulf Coast side, the open water is much more forgiving to a 22C. Moving "east" up the Atlantic Coast, the Ocean is much more Iffy, and tends to have some bigger waves..... in general, and yes I know boths coast see calm and severe conditions.

West of Miami - 22C. East of Miami - Some thing Bigger.... for me that would be a 32-35 ZF...... but then I am very partial to Fishboats :biggrin:

Bobby D
03-15-2013, 04:58 PM
Lots of good information and advice and after reading the responses it’s all about maintenance and how you take care of it before you put it away until next time. FWIW my 1972 18 2+3 was fully restored in 2000 and used exclusively in the Gulf of Mexico (Sarasota Area) until I bought it in 2010. It was always washed down flushed and put away in a garage and was in excellent shape. Since I’ve owned it I have gone over everything and have always found evidence of salt water use. Most of what I found was easily repaired, cleaned up or replaced. An example is the original seat sliding hardware over the year’s corroded away where it attached to bottom of the seats. Turned out that after many years of getting wet from swimming salt accumulated between the hardware and wood panels and wasted away most of the aluminum. I blew the motor in 2011 and my judgment is it was not due to salt water and poor maintenance, I believe that the motor had issues and it was only a matter of time before it let go.

03-15-2013, 08:18 PM
Cleaning the boat is the trick. My wife compares it to what a cat does when wet. That's a lot of cleaning or licking. Honestly though, how long does it really take to wash and flush a 18 or 22. She gets the interior and I do the rest.

I am also glad to see im not the only one tasting exhaust water. It really works.

03-15-2013, 11:02 PM
I grew up on an island in NJ. Everyone had bottom paint. etc. It was a way of life/boating. In FL you do what you have to do and most run salt. What is the big deal? You actually have a fun time instead of running circles in your lake. The 1st time you run in the keys....you will NEVER ask this question again. Motors are not ruined from running, they die from ingestion of water. Run it and have fun.

Barry Eller
03-16-2013, 06:13 AM
My 20 year old 22 has never been in fresh water.

joseph m. hahnl
03-16-2013, 07:52 AM
I got my Minx from Jacksonville, FL from the second owner who never got it going. It had been dropped off the slip and submerged the starboard exhaust pipe.
She sat for five years with salt water in her water jackets and had a salted #4 cylinder. The heads were junk at the coolant passages. The intake manifold coolant passages needed attention but survived. And the block:p???????? It had a small holiday in #4 and is still running to day, eight years later, minus a scored cylinder from a defective bosch spark plug:kaioken:.

Since then I made her a promise :crossfing: she would never be subjected to salt again.
She is very happy now and never complains:biggrin.:

03-16-2013, 09:39 AM
Salt water boats need attention. Boat owners know that. The non-salt water boat owners sometimes can distracted. I like a well taken care of salt water boat. I know it has had religous attention.

Dreamer Dave
03-16-2013, 02:36 PM
On a related note, I recently bought an 18C in Upstate New York and trailered it to Houston, starting out during a snowstorm. The road salt covering the trailer and lower unit was a lot worse than anything it will see with the brackish dip it will get when launching. It took a lot of quarters at the carwash to get the trailer to (what I thought to be) salt free. Yet I'm still fighting accelerated rust on the hubs.

03-16-2013, 07:42 PM
On a related note, I recently bought an 18C in Upstate New York and trailered it to Houston, starting out during a snowstorm. The road salt covering the trailer and lower unit was a lot worse than anything it will see with the brackish dip it will get when launching. It took a lot of quarters at the carwash to get the trailer to (what I thought to be) salt free. Yet I'm still fighting accelerated rust on the hubs.

There are a bunch of classic owners in the Houston area. Plan to come meet us. PM me for contact info.