View Full Version : TEST: Please ignore

01-07-2009, 07:04 AM
Hey, I said it was a good idea to ignore it. :)

So far I can't find the thread delete function...

Well, since you went to the trouble of opening it, I guess there might as well be something here worthwhile.

01-07-2009, 08:22 AM
Thread delete is an option with the UBB software. In the past it has been turned on and off. You used to be able to delete Posts within any thread. Then the threads made no sense. So that option was recanted. Then it was left to be able to start a thread and Delete it if NO post (replies) were yet present. Now there is no option, only edit your words.

So, moral of the story is, stay (or at least keep to a respectable minimum) away from mass quantities of booze and other mind altering substances PRIOR to posting cuz when you wake up it will still be there :bonk:

How do I know this :D

01-07-2009, 08:36 AM

I like this "test" post idea, as long as the attachment is "motivational".

Good job. You get another gold star in my book.

01-07-2009, 05:42 PM
Sure, as if not opening it was possible with that title!

01-07-2009, 05:49 PM
only 59 views.