View Full Version : Hey Tux, this really is a small world...Piers Island

08-03-2004, 09:34 PM
I went to our Annual "picnic" here at my folks summer place on Piers Island. Anyways, this has been a tradition now for almost 40 years and held on our August 1st Statutory Holiday. It is a small Island, about 100 hectares, with about 110 lots (1 Acre) around the perimeter of the Island, all about 500' deep and on the oceanfront. The rest (interior area) is held common. Anyways, we have a volunteer Fire Department here for the dozen or so that live here year round. It was started with my fathers' help back in 1964 with a 1954 Chev pumper truck and an old Ford tractor that towed around a pump in a small trailer :rolleyes: This is very archaeic stuff, but has served us well and we have never yet a fire thank God.

Well, to make a long story short, we got a "new" Fire Truck just the other day, just before the picnic. It was brought to the picnic site in case of a grass fire or whatever and to show off the new "purchase" by the Association. ( mandatory 300-400$ a year by all Property Owners put into a kitty for improvements.

Well, I talked to the fella that looked after the purchase of it, and its' shipping and such. I asked where it came from and he said New York and we got it for $8K US. I said "where in New York" and he said, you would never have heard of it. I said where then?

He replied, it came from a small Community called "Tuxedo Park"...Man I laughed. Anyways, do you recognize it? We got it last Thursday... :D

I included a couple of pics of where we were and my inability to do the "4 person ski race" that I was champion at for so many years. Deneen in the pic too. I got first place with Deneen in the egg catching (distance) competition and luckily the Blue ribbon doesn't say what it was for. I tell everyone it was a Triathlon :rolleyes: :D


He owns lot 15.

08-04-2004, 09:58 AM
Lenny- It's just too funny hearing where the truck eneded up. Sounds like the truck was a steal at $8k. I'm envious. I'd have much rather paid a $300-$400 fee to purchase this truck than be stuck paying $20k this year in property tax and getting a new one. We've really got to have some pretty incredible fires to break even on this one. The new truck also required rebuilding the firehouse-lol.