View Full Version : Check this video out! Lake Norman accident.

Bryan Tuvell 33ZX
08-21-2003, 04:20 PM

Boat goes airborne after hiting an embankment, and hits a car on the highway!

I saw this on that "other" site, read the story and just had to share it here.
Thank goodness everyone is ok.

Walt. H.
08-22-2003, 02:14 AM
Ouch :( :(

I remember reading a similar article a year or two ago about a twin engine performance boat with two guys running it at night on the Hudson River. They got a little turned around and didn't realize they were heading for the eastern side of the shore at a not so good speed. eek! They hit the marsh and rocky shoreline, flew up over a short burm crossing a roadway some 150-200 feet from the waters edge maybe a little more, details now fuzzy. They came to a safe stop and still up-right they looked at each other saying something like "cool" we're ok and the boat didn't hit anything hard they remembered remarking. Then they saw a bright light coming from there left side, they looked down onto the ground and spotted R/R tracks :confused: eek! :confused: then the sound of a train horn confirming "Metro North". They bailed out of the boat in time. Long story short, the engines were salvaged. :rolleyes: No injuries reported just the usual emotional and financial hurt.

Ps. No Hollywood explosion either.


08-23-2003, 07:26 AM
Pretty bizarre stuff. Thanks for sharing Bryan. Walt, that's great story too!

Walt. H.
08-23-2003, 10:39 AM
If we keep reading about these events Scott might have to open a bizarre stuff section just for this type of reading. :D
