View Full Version : Off Topic, President Bush Today

Bryan Tuvell 33ZX
12-02-2002, 05:59 PM
Most did not get to see the President today, here is the link for transcript and/or video.
He signed the new defense spending bill, the latter half he spoke on the Iraqi issues.

I think there is no doubt he will address the nation again on the 8th (next deadline). The HARRY S TRUMAN battle group about to depart.
Good reading/viewing.

12-02-2002, 06:58 PM
I`m so glad he`s are COMMANDER AND CHIEF!!!!

Bryan Tuvell 33ZX
12-02-2002, 07:58 PM
HARD DONZI, Not sure how to take that post... LOL
not all are Bush Jr fans.... (Has Jeb's daughter dryed out yet?)
Anyway, for a service member he is the ticket on paying us more. AND there is no doubt, he won't start something and NOT finish it like his dad or Bill....

I just feel for the two battle groups we have gone from this area, traffic is thining out, at about 10,000 people each.
Tough on the family's....

But, we will lead the fight, win it, you get a good deal on a nuc carrier for $4.5 Billion, 5 acres of US FREEDOM, the new Bush BUZZ Word.