View Full Version : Prop Tuning

01-26-2001, 08:03 AM
Anyone have any tech tips on prop tuning for speed?
Where does the bevel go on the leading edge?
What is the best way to get a sharp 90 on the trailing edge? Die-grinder?


01-26-2001, 07:27 PM
Best way to get the edge is with a snow ski edge file.


01-26-2001, 09:21 PM
(Germany) I write this on German, (tech. facts are better too explain when i wite in my language and you translate them, because our Translate-Prg ar too bad. Grammatics are the problem) :
du kannst deinen prop "cuppen" ; das heisst:
1: der Anfang jedes Blattes wird abgerundet und
2: der letzte centimeter jeden prop.-blattes wird um 15-24° aufgestellt------
das heisst:
normalerweise stützt sich dein boot an einer wassersäule von 15-25cm ab-- danach geht die ganze Energie durch verwirbelungen verloren!!!
wenn du deinen prop. cuppen lässt , dann stützt sich dein Boot an einer wassersäule von etwa 80-90 cm ab bevor die energie durch cavitation und auspufgase verloren geht. Dadurch kannst du einen höheren Wirkungsgrad erziehlen, was bekantlich die Leistung erhöht!
Das heisst wiederum: Mit einem "gecuppten" prop. kannst du eventuell 2-3 höhere Steigungen kompensieren! Aber auf jeden hast du einen besseren Wirkungsgrad
Das ganze noch poliert- und Du Bist Auf der Gewinnerseite!

[This message has been edited by Oliver (edited 01-26-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Oliver (edited 01-26-2001).]

01-26-2001, 09:48 PM
OLIVER! If you do THAT-you're gonna have to clean it up before you can play outside again!

01-27-2001, 01:22 AM
Please explain- i dont understand-sorry school english

01-27-2001, 01:27 AM
duuuude ??
what do this mean?

01-27-2001, 01:50 AM
I Tried to Translate with a american programm- sounds it good??

Problems in understanding? please ask Edward Donnelly , he his so perfect in translating my language!!!!!

Germany) I write this on German, (tech. facts AR more better too explain when i wite in my LANGUAGE and you translate them, because our Translate PRG AR too bath. Grammatics of AR the problem): you can " cuppen " your prop.; that means: 1: the at the beginning of each page is rounded off and 2: the latter more centimeter each prop. page around 15-24° set up ----- is called: normally your boat at a water gauge from 15-25cm supports itself -- afterwards the whole energy is lost through turbulences!!! if you cuppen lets your prop., then your boat at a water gauge from approximately 80-90 cm supports itself before the energy through cavitation and auspufgase is lost. Thus you can erziehlen a higher efficiency, which increases bekantlich the performance! That means again: With " gecuppten " prop. can you possibly 2-3 higher upward gradients compensate! But on everyone you have a better efficiency the whole still polishing and you are on the winner page!

01-27-2001, 07:37 AM
English: It's a laugh riot!
Deutscher: Es ist ein Lachenriot!

Melbourne, Florida

01-28-2001, 10:55 AM
i tried freetranslation.com , it isnt so good than babelfish