View Full Version : Donzi relevant patent...

06-01-2002, 10:23 PM
I applied for my first patent today that could be usefull in a Donzi ( 3rd overall). :) :) :) Watch for a revolutionairy bottom design coming to boat near you!!!


It is so simple but sooooooo cool.

06-02-2002, 12:12 AM
...com'on, give me a hint.

Which end of the hull does it go on? Maybe I can lay the mod into the mold and give it a try?

Formula Jr
06-02-2002, 03:54 AM
Its about freaken time! These are years where ignorance and youth, will make you rich beyond your dreams......... :D

06-03-2002, 09:47 AM
what does it look like? Is it bigger than a breadbox? how much does it weigh? did it involve any triple integraling???