View Full Version : ACETONE

Moody Blu'
07-23-2002, 07:01 PM
is acetone harmful ot the gelcoat?

I was thinking about cleaning my whole boat with acetone......

I am getting ready to prep the boats for vinyl white trim lines and vinyl moody blu' stickers, along with new donzi stickers.

I used acetone to get that junk tar off, and I also used it to prep the surface area of my water pick up.

so does it harm the gel coat or not?

i got about 20 bux and am ready to head to home depot and buy a gallon or so of it, as long as it doesnt hurt my gel coat....

07-23-2002, 07:21 PM
Hi Broque:

Glad to hear youre back up and running! BTW, my sister just got back from Cape May!

Having been in the FRP business for numerous years, you are entirely safe using acetone.
Further, it is perhaps the best solvent to apply when cleaning misplaced polyester resin etc.
Laquer thinner may also be used in a pinch, however not as effective. Somehow, I would think that you already know this!

Anyway, give us more stories!
Best Regards, Randy

07-23-2002, 07:52 PM
...Broque...get GOOD gloves!!! It, similar in nature to re-fined lacquer thinners, will and does harm your body. It doesn't mean much when your young, and a lot of people say "oh well...and laugh", but this stuff is one of the few products that does affect you early in life. It has been conclusively proven to CAUSE liver cancer, and I can attest to long days of "playing" with it and thinners and later on in the SAME day having cramps and pain in my side!!! This is one of those things that you HAVE TO HEED THE WARNINGS ON...

Get Nitrile, PVC or Neoprene gloves. You will know soon enough if they provide a barrier between you and the solvent. (finger tips will fall off very quickly) These are cheap, probably less than $.50 a pair in box quantity and after you "marvel" at the great job you've done it is comforting to know you will still be around to enjoy it. VENTILATION,VENTILATION,VENTILATION!!!especially with ACETONE. Some people seem to get 'immune" to the effects of lacquer thinners and the like but this is different...

07-23-2002, 07:59 PM
Ditto Ditto on gloves and lots of clean AIR, If we get to meet up this weekend look at my hands. Years of acetone, MEK, resins etc. That crap will eat you over time. Don't forget to get Art to remind me what time you are coming out.