View Full Version : Donzi Aficionados .... are created

Mark Albers
07-28-2003, 09:20 PM
Donzi Aficionados wink

At least once a day my first mate goes to our nightstand and finds his favorite story book


In a world full of Barney's, Sponge Bobs, and Big Birds

Alec (18 months) works on his real dream

Mark 311 :cool:
Sarasota - - - W F O (close to the factory and far from a dream)

Donzi Blackhawk
07-28-2003, 09:25 PM
Way Cool,

You need to send this photo to Steve Simon at Donzi Marine. This should be on their web site.


Mark Albers
07-28-2003, 09:56 PM
Donzi Bad Ass Black Hawk wink

He is getting closer


Thanks for the trip to the infamous Lake X

Mark 311 :cool:
Sarasota - - - W F O (close to the factory and far from a dream)

07-29-2003, 10:50 PM
if i am ever checking mail, ect. online. my 4 year old will always ask if he can sit on my lap and look at the boats. :D so keep the pics coming!!!